Arlington Arlington DSBHS1W

Arlington DSBHS1W
Kirby Risk #: 3332253
UPC: 01899709653, 018997096531, 00018997096531
Localizer[LocalizerResources.ManufacturerPartNumber].Value + ":") modelSummary.ManufacturerPartNumber)
Brand: Arlington
Industry Description
Low profile Inbox with metal box for new vinyl siding construction. Horizontal with weatherproof while in use Extra Duty white paintable cover.
AD Description
Arlington InBox™ DSBHS1W DB Series Low Profile Electrical Box With Weatherproof While-In-Use Extra Duty Horizontal Cover, Plastic, 25 cu-in, 1 Gang, 7.012 in L x 9.058 in W x 5.129 in H
Vendor Description
Recessed, metallic electrical box with non-metallic, weatherproof-in use extra duty cover for new siding applications. Accepts most single gang wiring devices and uses standard indoor wallplates or a GFCI cover plate. Non-metallic portion and covers are UV rated plastic for long outdoor life.
Color |
Country of Origin |
Dimensions |
9.058 in H x 7.012 in W x 5.129 in D
Finish |
Length1 |
Material |
Mounting_Type |
Series |
DB Series
Size |
L(7.012) X W(9.058) X H(5.129)
Special_Features |
Standard |
UL and CSA
Type |
Low Profile